Wednesday 3 June 2015

Unit 06 Application, Exploration and Realisation in Art and Design - Final Major Project

                                      Final Major Project Proposal

EDEXCEL Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma in Interactive Design


Learner Name: tyron sheppard

City of Bristol College

School Media & Art
College Green Centre,
St Georges Road
BS1 5UA       


Specialist Area: Interactive Design


Section 1

Working title: Vertically challenged

What you will work towards producing: (Detailed description of your proposal)

In my piece of interactive design I shall work towards creating a 3d modeled version of my college class/ computer suite and have you, the player, walk around and interact with things in the world. But there’s a twist, your character that you are controlling is about one fifth the size of your average pubescent teenager. You look through the eyes of what is essentially a “borrower” from that movie and experience what life would be like as one, seeing all the smaller things, trying to do the things a normal sized person could do and perhaps find hidden secrets that no tall person could ever find.

Aspects of interaction include: rope swing earphones, climbing, Ramses’ ball, pressing buttons, more climbing and possible puzzle solving.

Section 2

     Influences, starting points and contextual references:

The only real influences I have would be the movie borrowers or the Indian in the cupboard; I was always fascinated with the idea of being so small and looking at the world from a different aspect or point of view. Really I do this already as being an artist I see the world in a different way but to be small and be presented with a world created for somebody completely different to you and then have to traverse this space is an interesting idea, a ruler becomes a bridge, a crack becomes a cave and a paper airplane becomes… well a paper airplane but perhaps ride able?

However I was lead to the idea by my tutor showing the class a project from an earlier year. It was basically the same thing, a small avatar walking around the class room, but that was the limit of the interactivity, whereas I plan to add a lot more i.e. actually interacting with the world and the object that occupy it. So I guess you could call that a starting point.


     Early ideas research and sources:  (What are your sources for contextual and personal research?)  

Indian in the cupboard

This would more or less be most of the research I needed (other then the other movie “the borrowers” but I couldn’t get a link for that) it visually represents what I’m trying to achieve in terms of scale of character to it’s surroundings. A small space to us turned into a massive city sized landscape for you to explore, finding every secret the environment has to offer you. I suppose this is why expansive rpg games are so popular because you are the one to explore massive worlds and find its every secret or every interaction it could offer you, the only difference being is my world is really just room sized.



Section 3

Intended techniques, non digital and digital processes:

Digital: 3d modeling software either cinema 4d or Maya, unity; to run the interactive media, scripting using JavaScript and possibly Photoshop for the creation of custom materials/skins for models and the scenery.

Non digital: this would only really contain sketches of the environment and how things will work, this will serve to be a visual aid.     



Section 4

     Proposed methods of evaluation: (How will you document your final major project evaluation?)

some videos i used to help with my game 

 in this build i am showing off the architecture of my scene/ level. created using maya 3d software, i imported this to unity and added colliders so the room would be contained but i did add a small gap as shown near the end of the video for some "easter egg esc" fun. 

this is a secondary showing of the same thing but showing instead the colliders I've added to the chair model. it also shows the reset script I've attached to the slender man model, i intend to also add a move and follow script to slender man in the future to make the world seen more alive and not static.

the third video shows off the far reaching 'hidden easter egg' room. it isnt textured yet but inside will have pictures of a fellow class mate and a tutor, an inside joke among my classmates. the door is initially closed but I've added an animation and a trigger script so that when you walk around the building and enter the invisible collider the door opening animation with trigger and play. i will be adding some sort of marker where the invisible collider is just to make sense to the player.

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